ACOS 2010 in Gifu, Japan

Welcome Reception

Main Theme

Talk to the Worldwide from Asia
sub-theme : Multidisciplinary Treatment for Asian Cancer Patients

August 25,26,27, 2010

Main Theme

Congress President
Shigetoyo Saji (Gifu University)
Vice Congress President
Shigenobu Nakamura (Osaka University)
Honorary Congress President
Tetsuo Taguchi (Osaka University)
Secretary General
Kazuhiro Yoshida (Gifu University)

Congress Venue Gifu Grand Hotel

Congress Venue Gifu Grand Hotel
Congress Venue Gifu Grand Hotel Exhibition: Kyougen by Motoya IZUMI

Exhibition: Kyougen by Motoya IZUMI
Main theme presentation by Congress President Congress Venue Gifu Grand Hotel
Main theme presentation by Congress President
Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony 8-25 (8:15-10:00)

President Banquet 8-24 (18:20-21:00)

Welcome remarks by Congress President Welcome remarks by Congress President Cormorant fishing
Welcome remarks by Congress President Cormorant fishing
Welcome remarks by Presiden Welcome remarks by Presiden Short address by Honorary President
Welcome remarks by President Short address by Honorary President
Izumi Family Gifu Geisya Dance
Izumi Family Gifu Geisya Dance
Gifu Geisya Dance Gifu Geisya Dance

Summary of Participants

A full moon also welcome us Summary of Participants
A full moon also welcome us Summary of Participants
Summary of Participants Summary of Participants
Summary of Participants
Summary of Participants Summary of Participants
Summary of Participants Summary of Participants

Closing Ceremony 8-27 (16:39-17:00)

Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony Flag moved from Japan to Korea
Flag moved from Japan to Korea
9th ACOS Staff (Dept. of Surgical Oncology, Gifu Univ.)
9th ACOS Staff (Dept. of Surgical Oncology, Gifu Univ.)

Awards (Young Investigator's and Kobayashi Foundation for cancer Research)

"Young Investigator's Award

The local organizing committee in Japan has received over 50 applications from many countries around the world. The jury of selection committee has screened the all the abstract and reached the decision successfully. The winner of YIA will be supported with an award (grant) of their travel expenses and accommodation to bring their presentation in Gifu, Japan.
Price A: Travel expenses and accommodations expenses.
Price B: Travel expenses only
Price C: Accommodation only
Also, the YIA nominee are required to complete the registration to the 9th ACOS. Presentation and the prizes will be awarded to the winner at the closing ceremony on the 27th August 2010. YIA winners will be obliged to make an oral presentation, in principal during the conference.

Winner of YIA
Winner of YIA
Young Investigator's Award Young Investigator's Award

Kobayashi Foundation Award
(in case of 9th ACOS 2010, in Gifu, Japan)

  1. Purpose of this Award: Public Interest Incorporated Foundations, KOBAYASHI FOUNDATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH will give awards to outstanding researchers who make remarkable social contributions to cancer chemotherapy in Asian countries other than Japan.
  2. How to apply: Abstract presenters of the 9th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS), who agree with the purpose of this award and wish to apply, can submit an application on the ACOS official website,
  3. Selection process: The selection committee composed of cancer chemotherapy experts will screen the presentation abstracts and select the award winner.

    Award winner and Prize: About 15 Asian researchers from all candidates will be selected and awarded (JPY 2million in total).
    Oral Presenters : 6 researchers (JPY 200,000 each)
    Poster Presenters : 8 researchers (JPY 100,000 each)
  4. Result announcements: Selection results will be announced on the 9th ACOS website in early August.
  5. Award ceremony: The award will be presented at the closing ceremony of the 9th ACOS.
  6. Screening method: Each abstract will be given 5,4,3,2 or 1 point by each screener (1 low, 5 high )The individual candidate's abstract head must be on the selection paper
  7. Final selection: The Kobayashi Foundation committee and local organizing committee of the 9th ACOS will gather them and add up the screening stage points, and will make a final selection.

Member of the Selection Committee of
"Kobayashi Foundation Award"

Chairman Shigetoyo Saji (9th ACOS Congress president)
Members : AMM Shariful Alam (Bangladesh), Yuan-Kai Shi (China)
Tony S.K. Mok (HongKong), Sanjeev Misra (India)
Daldiyono Hardjodisastro (Indonesia) Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh (Iran)
Kyung Sam Cho (Korea), Hwee Ming Cheng (Malaysia)
Yogendra Singh (Nepal) Zeba Aziz (Pakistan)
Antonio H. Villalon (Philippines) Alex Y. Chang (Singapore)
Jackie Whang-Peng (Taiwan) Kannika Phornphutkul (Thailand)
Thinh Dang Huy Quoc (Viet Nam)

Selection Policy

  1. Kobayashi Foundation Award is for researchers in Asian countries except Japan.
  2. All abstracts applied for the award are divided into oral and poster abstracts, and the selection committee gives scores to them from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).
  3. The researchers in many Asian countries are given the award by the purpose of our foundation, which is to contribute to the development of cancer treatment in Asian countries. Therefore, only one for every ten abstract is selected and the maximum number of winners is three per country.
  4. The abstracts about cancer chemotherapy have a priority if there is not much difference in total scores.
  5. The chairman of the selection committee doesn't evaluate nor give scores to the abstracts but makes a final decision on the winners.
  6. If there are abstracts with same points, the decision is left to the chairman of the selection committee
Selection Policy Selection Policy
Winner of Kobayashi Foundation Award
Winner of Kobayashi Foundation Award

Office of the 9th International Conferences of ACOS
E-mail: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。
Kobayashi Foundation for Cancer Research
TEL: +81-3-3293-2125 E-mail: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。

9th ACOS 2010 Registration : 20 Countries

Japan 475 Hong Kong 5
Korea 85 Philippines 5
Taiwan 34 United Kingdom 2
China 27 Pakistan 2
India 12 Thailand 1
Indonesia 12 France 1
Viet Nam 11 Iran 1
USA 12 Germany 1
Singapore 8 Australia 1
Nepal 8 Malaysia 1
Total 704 subjects from 20 countries

Number of Session Speaker Chairmen Total
President lecture 2 2 2 4
Key Note Lecture 4 4 4 8
Educational Lecture 8 12 8 20
On time symposium 2 14 4 18
Satellite symposium 2 10 5 15
Symposium  11 54 27 81
Workshop 13 60 33 93
VIDEO Symposium 3 15 8 23
Mini-symposium 16 88 32 120
Min-video symposium 4 20 8 28
Oral 22 127 44 181
Poster 25 248 50 298
Luncheon Seminar 14 21 15 36
Total 126 575 240 925

Final submitted abstracts for oral and poster : 483 subjects

Summary of Participants

Opening Ceremony: 350, Closing ceremony: 120, General Assembly: 600,
Council member: 41, Local Organizing Committee and Staff, etc : 250,
Total: 1500 (Foreign Delegate: 320) participants