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Recommender of the third KF Award application

Today, we would like to inform you of the application of the third Kobayashi Foundation Award. You might already remember the Kobayashi Foundation for Cancer Research has opened the application program of the third KF award from August 1 to October 31, 2013 to Asian doctors who made remarkable social contributions in the field of cancer chemotherapy. However, still now, we had no applicants from your country.

Therefore, the Foundation would like to ask you to promote the application from young investigators or recommend an appropriate doctor in your country. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us by e-mail (このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 .)

Any advice and suggestion concerning this will be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing some response from your country.

Thank you so much.


1. The application procedure has been posted on the both websites of The 11th ACOS (http://www.acos2014.org/) and Kobayashi Foundation for Cancer Research (http://kficc.or.jp/)

2. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2013. But it will be extended to November 15 if we do not receive any application by the deadline.